Toolshed Technologies
Andy Hunt
Musician, Author, Programmer
Collected Articles and Essays, 1998-present
The Limits of Process by Andy Hunt, 01/25/2022
A software development "process" is often the wrong tool for the job. The GROWS Method® is not about process...
Habits vs. Practices by Andy Hunt, 01/05/2022
Most software development methods are defined by "practices" you have to follow. In many cases, this emphasis on practices goes badly, for two reasons...
Why Are There So Many Misconceptions Around Agile? by Andy Hunt, 11/20/2020
I think we all agree that what agile is today has nothing to do with what it was conceived to be. Why are there so many misconceptions around agile?
The Four Keys To Rapid Response Software Development by Andy Hunt, 01/14/2019
What makes software development so hard? How can we make it easier and "fix" common development problems? Here are four key strategies for modern software development that will allow you to reliably mount a rapid response to changing user requirements, market conditions, technology, staffing, and more. Number four will surprise you ;)
Bailing Out Your Company by Andy Hunt, 09/12/2018
One of the largest factors that contributes to success in an organization is...
Fixing the Stress of Designing, Forecasting, or Planning by Andy Hunt, 07/09/2017
Exploit the easiest, most well-hidden source of feedback to eliminate stress when designing, forecasting, or planning.
Stop Practicing and Start Growing by Andy Hunt, 07/11/2016
Actual agility remains out of reach for many. The GROWS™ Method hopes to fix that.
About Estimates by Andy Hunt, 01/25/2016
Estimations are rarely correct and often abused. Use accurate projections based on real data.
It's an Experiment by Andy Hunt, 05/18/2015
Let's make inspect and adapt a first-class part of the method.
The Failure of Agile by Andy Hunt, 05/06/2015
The word “agile” has become sloganized and meaningless at best. Let's fix that with a new approach.
L-mode/R-mode and DMN by Andy Hunt, 01/29/2015
Left-brain vs. right brain is wrong. It's really DMN vs. EAN. Here's why.
Email is the Kind-killer by Andy Hunt, 12/02/2014
With apologies to Frank Herbert...
No Place for Bugs to Hide by Andy Hunt, 04/18/2013
Get rid of the hiding places and fix the bugs now, while they remain small.
Directions for Safe Use by Andy Hunt, 04/12/2013
That thing should come with a warning.
Resistance is Natural by Andy Hunt, 02/28/2013
Resistance is natural. Do it anyway.
How to Avoid Agility by Andy Hunt, 02/19/2013
There are many great ways to avoid being “agile.” Some...
The End of Agile by Andy Hunt, 08/01/2011
Guru Meditation: The end of Agile? Lessons from improv.
Getting Past Agile Advanced Beginner by Andy Hunt, 06/01/2011
Guru Meditation: Learning curves are typically not uniformly steep, or we’d call them learning slopes.
Uncomfortable with Agile by Andy Hunt, 05/01/2011
Guru Meditation: A truly agile project team lives on the edge of chaos.
Why Johnny Can’t Be Agile by Andy Hunt, 01/01/2011
Guru Meditation: Why adopting agile methods might be harder than you think.
The Perfect Deadline by Andy Hunt, 12/01/2010
Guru Meditation: Deadlines cause cognitive shutdown. But without a deadline, activities drag on forever.
Avoiding the Infinite Abyss by Andy Hunt, 11/01/2010
Guru Meditation: Constraints foster ingenuity
One to One and Off by One by Andy Hunt, 10/02/2010
Guru Meditation: What we need is a practical way to tell whether or not our level of abstraction is appropriate.
The Programmer’s Rememberall by Andy Hunt, 10/01/2010
Guru Meditation: “Oh I’ll Remember That.” No, actually, you won’t...
Context is everything, especially with agile methods by Andy Hunt, 09/01/2010
Guru Meditation: The right thing at the wrong time and place is still wrong.
How *Not* to Eat An Elephant by Andy Hunt, 08/25/2010
The old adage about eating an elephant is wrong.
How to Escape Trivia Enslavement by Andy Hunt, 05/04/2010
What are you planning on doing today?
Study shows brief meditation helps cognition by Andy Hunt, 04/27/2010
10X improvements in cognitive tests.
SD Times Top-Ten List by Andy Hunt, 03/18/2010
Top ten most influential software development books
TedX RTP Mind Map and Presentation by Andy Hunt, 03/08/2010
The Next Great Thing
Read Faster by Reading Less by Andy Hunt, 01/19/2010
A variation on the SQ3R reading method.
Smiling better than antidepressants? by Andy Hunt, 10/27/2009
In my recent book, I point out that the ever-adapting...
Restoring cognitive function, cheap and easy by Andy Hunt, 09/01/2009
Replenish your top-down directed attention abilities.
What IS the most important thing? by Andy Hunt, 04/01/2009
The other day an interviewer asked me to volunteer what...
Cognitive benefits of doodling. by Andy Hunt, 03/04/2009
Idle doodling improves focus.
Don't overthink it. by Andy Hunt, 02/20/2009
A recent article in Scientific American outlines some interesting research...
Science Failure and Cubicle Brain Death by Andy Hunt, 12/02/2008
How to grow more brain cells.
Always an exception... by Andy Hunt, 10/17/2008
For every rule, no matter how iron-clad it may seem,...
Test-driven Learning by Andy Hunt, 10/07/2008
Caching algorithms in your brain.
Stage 0: Not Ready for Agile by Andy Hunt, 06/16/2008
This last week, I was out speaking at the Better...
Are you working beyond your means? by Andy Hunt, 12/04/2007
Do less to do more.
Better balls can't top old balls by Andy Hunt, 12/12/2006
Muscle memory and Tracer Bullets
Déjà fubar by Andy Hunt, 10/19/2005
That sinking feeling...
Learning How To Climb the Walls by Andy Hunt, 03/15/2005
Context before details.
No such thing as Observer by Andy Hunt, 11/14/2004
It's a Participatory Universe.
Practice by Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, 11/01/2004
Practice, not construction.
Imaginate by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, 09/01/2004
If your tools don’t support interactive design and rapid development with the end user, scrap them. Pete did.
Experience, not Tools, says Pink Floyd by Andy Hunt, 08/29/2004
Dangers of the Tool Trap
Open Source Ecosystems by Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, 07/01/2004
Is it possible to bring Open Source practices and enthusiasm in-house, improving the way we develop software in a corporate environment?
CMM and Repeatable Process by Andy Hunt, 06/16/2004
One of the goals of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM)...
Unsharp Mask As Mental Discipline by Andy Hunt, 05/10/2004
De-focus to focus.
Keep It DRY, Shy, and Tell the Other Guy by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, 05/01/2004
OO Theory explained in One Sentance.
Nurturing Requirements by Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, 03/01/2004
Many people think that there are such things as requirements.
Three Legs, No Wobble by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, 01/01/2004
How to ruin a software project in just three easy steps
Preparing the Raw Material by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, 11/01/2003
People are the raw material of software construction.
Pipelines by Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, 11/01/2003
Pipelines are a wonderful opportunity for both simplification and reuse.
The Bear in the Cornfield by Andy Hunt, 10/20/2003
Continuous un-learning is critical.
The New "Cotton Club" by Andy Hunt, 10/06/2003
Alternative systems evolve when the official ones don't cut it.
Ender's Game and Software Development by Andy Hunt, 07/21/2003
It's about Emergence, Practice, and Learning
How Good a Job Can You Do? by Andy Hunt, 07/08/2003
Not just anybody could paint a fence well.
Use Your Illusion by Andy Hunt, 06/19/2003
Pragmatism insists on a certain amount of skepticism.
Herd Products by Andy Hunt, 06/01/2003
Herd features and the guava gap.
Ten Blunt Axes by Andy Hunt, 05/06/2003
A smaller, sharper tool might be more appropriate.
Verbing the Noun by Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, 05/01/2003
Managers can’t measure the thought that goes in to a specification; they only see the document.
How do you deal with mistakes? by Andy Hunt, 04/27/2003
How you deal with mistakes makes the difference.
Practicing Programming On the Job by Andy Hunt, 04/24/2003
Practice in Performance
Rules of Woodworking by Andy Hunt, 04/09/2003
There are only two fundamental rules to woodworking.
The Lettuce Principle by Andy Hunt, 03/11/2003
It's got to be easy.
The Trip-Packing Dilemma by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, 03/01/2003
We want to actively increase the “amount of work not done."
The Fallacy of Repeatability by Andy Hunt, 02/23/2003
For repeatable success, look at talent, not process.
Inadequate Requirements by Andy Hunt, 02/20/2003
Requirements are meant to be interpreted.
The Art of Enbugging by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, 01/01/2003
On a bad day you might feel you are enbugging the code—putting the bugs in.
Zero-Tolerance Construction by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, 11/01/2002
No Broken Windows applies to more than code.
State Machines by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, 11/01/2002
State machines can be appropriate in surprising circumstances.
Mock Objects by Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, 05/01/2002
The real world conspires to stop our unit tests from being neat, self-contained (and orthogonal) chunks of code.
Ubiquitous Automation by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, 02/01/2002
Software development, including its construction, is utterly unlike any other human endeavor.
Software Archeology by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, 02/01/2002
Code becomes legacy code as soon as it’s written; we have the same issues as archaeologists.
Art In Programming by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas, 09/01/2001
Is software development an engineering discipline? Is it art? Is it more like a craft?
The Joy of Star Trek by Andy Hunt, 10/01/1998
The role of metadata in adaptable systems, and how that makes Star Trek type technologies possible.
A Crayon for the Mind by Andy Hunt, 08/01/1998
What's the appropriate level of specificity in object oriented design, and why it's better to follow the model of a vinyl LP instead of a compact disc.
Tell, Don't Ask by Andy Hunt, 07/01/1998
Keep your orders and your facts separate, tell as little about yourself as possible, and don't talk to others any more than is necessary.
Andy's Guide to OO Development by Andy Hunt, 07/01/1998
Bits and pieces of methods both formal and informal
The Spirit of the Tool by Andy Hunt, 05/01/1998
The spirit of the tool carries through its lifetime. Which spirit do you embrace?
Never Build an Application by Andy Hunt, 03/01/1998
But isn't that what application programming is all about? Yes, but it shouldn't be.
Sturgeon's Law by Andy Hunt, 02/01/1998
Sturgeon's law, some hopes and aspirations for the future
Semantic Invariants by Andy Hunt, 01/01/1998
Welcome to the Toolshed Technologies Newsletter!
Late 1980's to 1998
Most of my writing at this time was covered by corporate NDAs, and cannot be published openly. It wasn't very interesting stuff, for the most part. Some HOW-TO guides to object safety in C++, various DSL specifications and concepts, and a lot more that has been lost to the digital trashcan of history.
I started consulting part-time in the early 1990's, and went full-time and incorporated in 1995. In 1998 I started a newsletter for Toolshed, and those early writings are included here. The rest, as they say, is history.
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July 24, 2024 -
New article: The Limits of Process
January 25, 2022 -
New article: Habits vs. Practices
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